Malaysia Your Business Partner (MYBP)

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MATRADE Connecting The Dots Unlock Your Business Potential With Malaysia Compliance To Global Standards, Certification, Inspection & Testing Halal Standards Sustainability Key Exports – Products & Services Aerospace Auto Parts and Accessories Biotechnology Building Materials Chemicals and Chemical Products Construction Electrical and Electronics (E&E) Fashion and Apparel

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Franchise Furniture Green Technology Healthcare ICT Islamic Banking Logistics Machinery Oil and Gas Palm Oil and Palm Oil Products Plastics and Plastic Products Processed Foods Professional Services Rubber and Rubber Products Wood Products Malaysia Brands



MALAYSIA Your Business Partner is published by Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), a non-profit government trade promotion agency. MATRADE Menara MATRADE, Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 6207 7077 | Fax: +603 6203 7037 Email: Website : Published February 2021

While every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this publication is accurate and current, MATRADE cannot be held responsible for any omission or error and is not liable for any loss or dispute arising from the use of the information provided. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means - electronic, mechanical or any other form - without the written consent of MATRADE. All information and data provided in this publication are accurate as at time of published.

MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Connecting The Dots

The Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) is Malaysia’s national trade promotion agency under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). It is responsible for the development and promotion of Malaysia’s exports to the international market.

In undertaking export promotions activities, MATRADE is actively involved in organising trade missions, participating in international trade fairs abroad, conducting International Sourcing Programmes for foreign buyers and partners to meet Malaysian companies in one-on-one business

MATRADE is also the link to these international markets for Malaysian companies, as well as a focal point for foreign buyers and partners keen on sourcing products and services from Malaysia. MATRADE can be contacted through over 45 international offices located worldwide. In Malaysia, it has five domestic offices in the state of Penang, Terengganu, Johor, Sabah and Sarawak. MATRADE welcomes enquiries through all its channels.

meetings, as well as providing information on local industries’ capabilities.

MATRADE - Your link to Malaysian suppliers Website:


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Your Business Potential with Malaysia

Malaysia is a major trading nation globally and has earned a growing reputation as one of the most trade-friendly countries in the world. Over the years, it has become an integral part of the global supply chain, enabling the country to position itself as a leading exporter.

This includes exports to more than 200 countries and territories in the world, with Malaysia possessing a competitive range of products and services that meet the international standards of its foreign partners. As the world progresses into the knowledge and digital economy, Malaysia has developed the capability to conduct business efficiently and effectively in the global market. Today, the nation is exporting high value-added products in the technology sectors, electrical & electronic products, chemicals & chemical products, petrochemicals, optical & scientific equipment, medical devices, machinery, equipment & parts, automotive & aerospace components, building materials, renewable energy, processed food, furniture and lifestyle products besides traditional commodity exports such as oil & gas and palm oil-based products as well as rubber based product. Malaysia’s main export destinations are the ASEAN countries, China, the United States, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Taiwan, ROK as well as EU countries.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

to Global Standards, Certification, Inspection & Testing

Malaysia has implemented numerous procedures and policies to assist local manufacturers, producers, service providers and exporters to conform to global market requirements, standards, accreditations and certifications. The National Standards and Accreditation body for Malaysia is the Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia) which provides confidence to various stakeholders through credible standardisation and accreditation services for global competitiveness. Standards Malaysia is a signatory to the regional and international Mutual Recognition Arrangements and Multi-Lateral Recognition Agreements, and enhances Malaysia’s competitive edge by facilitating trade through international recognition of Malaysian products and services with MS (Malaysian Standards) and accreditation. The Malaysian government’s MyHijau Programme is the official green recognition scheme and brings together certified products and services that meet local and international environmental standards under one single mark. SIRIM QAS International is Malaysia’s leading and preferred certification, inspection and testing body serving the needs of thousands of local and international clients and various industries. Equipped with the most comprehensive testing facilities in the region and with highly experienced and competent testing personnel, SIRIM QAS International is recognised globally by Standards Malaysia, UKAS, IATF, RSPO and UN-FCC among many others as an accepted certification provider.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Standards Malaysia’s expertise on Halal Standards and the Industry has been recognised internationally with the Halal certification issued by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia or JAKIM being highly regarded by multi-national companies and world bodies. Malaysia utilises the Malaysian Halal Standards MS1500:2009 (halal food), MS2200: Part 1:2008 and MS2200: Part 2:2013 (Islamic consumer goods) due to its wide acceptance of excellence in halal compliance. Malaysia offers a comprehensive institutional halal framework that include core elements such as a proper ecosystem, industry development agenda, dedicated government agencies, diversified certification for food, non-food and services. The Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) was established in 2006 to coordinate the overall development of the Halal industry in Malaysia and meeting worldwide demand for better quality products and services. HDC promotes halal standards and facilitates capacity building for halal products and services. Malaysia also hosts two of the biggest annual global halal events, The Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) which facilitates the sourcing and selling of quality Halal consumables, products and services globally, and the World Halal Forum (WHF), a thought leadership conference for intellectual discourse on issues pivotal to the halal industry’s development and growth.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Sustainability Sustainability has been long embedded in Malaysia’s development. This is evident in the New Economic Policy when it was introduced in 1970 and in subsequent master plans, all of which have adopted the elements of sustainability including in economic growth, and strive for equitable distribution of wealth to all sections of society as well as being cognisant of the need for environmental conservation.

In addressing the issue of welfare in labour, the Government has amended the Workers’ Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act 1990 (Act 446). This outlines the minimum standard of accommodation and facilities, and is applicable to all work sectors and in compliance with the international standards of health.

The Malaysian Government has made the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification mandatory for all oil palm plantations, independent and organised smallholdings and palm oil processing facilities to ensure that the country’s palm oil industry complies with international sustainability requirements. This encompasses the entire supply chain from growers to traders and retailers, and aims to reduce the industry’s social and environmental impact and to assist in certifying the palm oil for the export market.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Aerospace The Malaysian aerospace industry has a strong growth potential in the country’s industrialisation and technological development programmes. With its geo-political advantages and accessibility to the world’s fastest growing economies, Malaysia is well-positioned to carve a niche for itself in the global aerospace industry.

Malaysia’s mature Aero-Manufacturing, Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO), Systems Integration and Engineering Knowledge Services industries are complemented by world class infrastructure and industry-ready human capital to form a complete business ecosystem poised for further growth and investment expansion. MRO activities form the most mature sub-sector of the aerospace industry in Malaysia. MRO focus areas are airframes, engines, components and modifications. MRO companies in operation in Malaysia mainly serving large aerospace players such as Airbus. The Systems Integration sub-sector covers the development and testing of a whole host of systems, such as radio navigation, flight management and monitoring applications. Activities conducted under this segment include modernisation, upgrading, sustainment, maintenance and logistics support for a wide variety of aircraft, ground systems and parts and components.

Meanwhile, in the Engineering Knowledge Services sector, Malaysia supports global original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in executing primary structure work packages for companies such as Airbus and Boeing. Malaysia’s top five export destinations for the aerospace industry are the USA, the UK, Singapore, Japan and Thailand. Among the main aerospace products exported by Malaysia are composite wing parts, fixed leading edge and nacelle or fan casing.

‘Fly High With Us’

With MRO, Machinery and Design Engineering as the backbone of our strengths, you can be assured of Malaysian partners.

Reach out to MATRADE to find the right business partner from Malaysia.

Malaysia’s top five export destinations for the aerospace industry

United States

United Kingdom





MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Auto Parts and Accessories

The Malaysian auto parts, components and accessories industry has grown from strength to strength. Many companies now undertake their own research and development work, design, incorporation of innovative ideas and concepts as well as drawing up of new technical specifications for various components required by automotive manufacturers and assemblers. Vendors are able to offer cost competitive solutions to automotive manufacturers and assemblers, meeting the needs for viable alternatives of imported parts and components requirements. This also includes testing and calibration services on products manufactured within their own facilities to ensure strict compliance to specifications, and providing warranties on the parts and components produced.

Today, close to one thousand manufacturers produce and export a wide range of components for both the OEM markets and replacement parts for the after-market sectors, such as body panels, brake parts, engine parts, transmission and steering parts, rubber parts, and electrical and electronic parts.

‘Malaysia Keeps The Automotive Industry Moving’ Malaysia’s automotive parts and accessories sector is focused on the manufacture and creation of high quality, cost effective and reliable products. Contact MATRADE to find out how your automotive business can benefit from working with Malaysian automotive parts and accessories suppliers and manufacturers.

Most companies are locally owned with a growing number identified as tier one suppliers and integrators involved throughout the entire value chain including conceptualisation, designing, developing, sourcing of parts and components, manufacturing and final testing of products. In addition to supplying to the local original equipment market (OEM), an increasing number of component manufacturers are already exporting their products and have successfully penetrated over 150 countries worldwide and are especially active in ASEAN countries and China.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner


As one of the world’s leading producer of palm oil, Malaysia has abundant feedstocks of oil palm by-products and waste. This provides Malaysia an excellent position to advance biofuels and biomass production. It is also exploring the field of biocatalysts, fine chemical production, bioremediation and biopolymer production. The BioNexus initiative established a network of centres of excellence throughout the country in areas of Agro-biotechnology, Genomic & Molecular Biology and Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals. Biotechnology corporations domiciled in Malaysia are leveraging on their technological capabilities and strategic partnerships to attain increased global sales and profitability.

Malaysia’s National Biotechnology Policy (NBP) launched in 2005 made it one of the first nations in the Asia Pacific Region and the first in Southeast Asia to have a fully documented bioeconomy agenda. The Bioeconomy Transformation Programme (BTP) in 2013 expanded on the NBP by providing the private sector with a firm platform to

Biotechnology is one of Malaysia’s new engines of growth and a key sector that will support the expansion of the Malaysian economy. Growth in biotechnology will leverage heavily on the strength of the country’s diverse natural resources and skilled human capital. The foray into biotechnology is a natural progression for Malaysia as the country is naturally well-endowed. Malaysia is among the world’s most megadiverse countries according to the National Biodiversity Index. Resources and Benefit Sharing Act 2017 will also ensure that Malaysians benefit from any products of value that are developed from the nations natural resources. maximise commercial opportunities in the biotechnology fields of industrial, healthcare and agriculture biotechnology. The Access to Biological

‘Harnessing the strengths of nature and technology for good.’

Malaysia sees its wealth of natural resources as a bounty to be conservatively harnessed for the greater good of its national development and the global community .

Find out more from MATRADE about the abundant opportunities in Malaysia’s biotechnology sector.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Building Materials

The building materials industry is a major component of Malaysia’s construction industry and a strong precursor for the economic growth of the nation. Its export segment consists of manufacturers and producers of basic metals including iron and steel and metal fabrication, non-metallic mineral products, manufacturers of plastics, rubber and wood products, electric lamps and others.

Malaysian exporters are known for producing quality materials, and as the building and construction industry including the renovation and refurbishing sector continue expanding globally, Malaysian companies are in a prime position to grow in tandem with the increased demand for building materials. ‘A Better World Through Better Building Products’ The building materials industry is the bedrock of Malaysia’s highly motivated and innovative construction industry. MATRADE can link you up with Malaysia’s finest building materials suppliers.

The plastics and plastic products sub- sector of the building materials industry is one of the most dynamic export- oriented manufacturing industries in Malaysia while wood-based products remain a leading building material sub-sector that has always been export- focused and assumed an important role in the country’s industrialisation. It remains a significant export segment, with major shipments of plywood, veneers, laminated wood, sawn timber, mouldings, builder’s joinery and flooring bound for Japan, Taiwan, Republic of Korea and China. Malaysia’s building materials industry continues to grow with manufacturers now producing green materials, including eco-friendly insulation materials for roofing, flooring and walls, building materials from plantation bamboo and sustainably harvested timber, safety and energy saving glass, tiles and lighting.

The basic metal and the metal fabrication sub-sector plays a critical role supporting the development of the nation’s growth. Encompassing both iron and steel and non-ferrous metal manufacturers, exports comprise of metallic structures, iron and steel tubes and pipes, screws, nuts and bolts and wire products and exported mainly to Australia, Singapore and Thailand. The non-metallic mineral products sub- sector include products such as plaster, cement building blocks, concrete and bricks, glass and glassware, tiles and flagstones and pre-fabricated structural components. This sub-sector is one of Malaysia’s largest segments with major exports to Singapore, China and Japan.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Chemicals and Chemical Products

‘The Best Chemical Solutions for Your Needs’ Malaysia is well recognised as possessing one of the most developed chemical industries in the world. With their various capabilities, Malaysian suppliers can fulfil your demands for chemical products.

The chemicals and chemical products industry is another well-established sector in Malaysia. It is a major contributor to the national economy. Growth of the petrochemical industry was spurred by the ample availability of feedstocks and a well-developed infrastructure. Major exports from the petrochemicals sector include polymers of ethylene, methanol and saturated polyesters.

The other leading chemicals and chemical product sector is the Malaysian oleochemicals industry, which is one of the largest in the world and a definite economic bedrock for the nation’s growth. The major catalyst for the advancement of the Malaysian oleochemicals industry is the presence of a massive palm oil and palm oil products industry in Malaysia. Exports of oleochemicals comprise mainly of industrial fatty alcohols, palm fatty acid distillates, stearic acid, soap noodles, glycerol and acetic acid. The main export markets for oleochemicals include China, the USA, Japan, India and Singapore.

These exports are bound mainly for




Reach out to MATRADE to find out how Malaysia can help you achieve greater business excellence.




Saudi Arabia

Republic of Korea


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner


Rapid development in Malaysia in the last decade produced many home grown construction industry corporations of international standards in terms of capabilities, experience and expertise. The type of projects successfully completed by these companies include major infrastructure developments such as highways, underground dual-purpose tunnels and super bridges, telecommunication and mass rapid transport systems, intelligent and eco-friendly green buildings, ports, airports, dams, water supply, drainage and irrigation projects, and electro and hydro power plants. Today, backed by their experience and capabilities portfolio, Malaysian contractors are sought for their services and are well-known for their cost competitiveness, reliability and good track record of projects that have been implemented in both Malaysia and abroad. According to Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB), there are well over 100 Malaysian companies active in overseas construction projects that have successfully exported their services globally since 1982.

Malaysian construction companies place great emphasis on safety and superior quality. They have proven construction excellence in key areas of architecture, engineering design, consultancy services and landscaping services. These companies have also created skill specialisation in the selective construction areas of water proofing, crack repair and maintenance, roofing and tiling services. Malaysian construction industry corporations have created a niche for themselves in the international arena. Whilst offering skills and technology comparable to those of developed nations but at a more competitive pricing, Malaysian contractors have made inroads in global markets by successfully undertaking and completing projects in India, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, South Africa, Libya, Sudan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and other parts of the world. Projects secured in these countries include the construction of buildings and infrastructure, roads and highways, railways and bridges, oil and gas installations, water treatment and power plants, residential housing and related complex, airports and mixed development projects including housing, hotels, leisure, and luxury residences.

‘Building Excellence Globally’ The building and construction industry has seen unprecedented growth globally and Malaysian companies are privileged to be a major part of this development. Contact MATRADE to find out how Malaysia can help you build your business today.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Electrical and Electronics (E&E)

The electrical sector makes up one of the top sub-sectors of the industry and had its beginnings in the establishment of manufacturing plants to facilitate the import substitution of household appliances, electrical fittings, wires & cables and automotive batteries.

Electrical & Electronics (E&E) is the leading manufacturing industry in Malaysia. E&E products have been Malaysia’s largest trading items for several decades since the industry’s inception in the 1960s. Its evolution to the present time has made Malaysia a leading player in the global E&E value chain. Growing from just four companies with a total of 577 employees in 1970, the E&E industry has expanded to a workforce of more than 600,000 today and close to two thousand companies. This huge manpower enables the industry to churn out approximately half of Malaysia’s total exports with major destinations being China, the USA, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan.

The industry has since developed capabilities to supply high-end electrical products including electrical components to both domestic and international markets. The electronics sub-sector leads the E&E industry, with a substantial amount of all electronic exports being contributed by semiconductor devices, integrated circuits (ICs) and transistors and valves and the Multinational Corporations (MNCs) continuing to push the development of this sector. Malaysian companies which initially started as support vendors to MNCs, have developed significant capabilities and skills in manufacturing a wide range of electronic products across all significant sub-sectors such as electronic components and parts and industrial as well as consumer electronics.

These Malaysian companies with substantial experience are now capable exporters in their own right. Their areas of specialisation involve electronic manufacturing services, wafer fabrication, IC designs, assembly, packaging & testing, parts & components for electrical products, power and energy generation, solar solutions, LED lighting solutions, consumer electrical items and IT parts & accessories. Malaysian exporters are keen and open to working with any interested business partner to embark on high- impact joint venture projects for new product development, innovation, R&D and other services within the E&E value chain. ‘Powering Up Your Profits’ With a strong ecosystem supported by skilled Malaysian SMEs and global multinational companies, rest assured that Malaysian suppliers can meet your industrial and consumer E&E demands. Reach out to MATRADE, we can find you the right partners from Malaysia.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Fashion and Apparel

The industry has moved up the value-chain, from being an OEM producer to producing and supplying its own designs and brands. This learning and transformation process leveraged heavily on experience and the adoption of automated manufacturing processes resulting in the industry’s growth. Private sector initiative, continued Government support and the efforts of independent local fashion designers made this achievement possible. Malaysia’s rich fusion of cultures and the industry’s tenacity and resilience coupled with its work with international fashion labels has primed the industry to meet global demand for the design of clothing suitable for all markets including its fashionable and functional Islamic apparel. Its major products are knitted garments, jerseys & pullovers, t-shirts, over vests and baby clothes and exported mainly to the USA, Japan, China, Turkey and Indonesia.

The world of high fashion is driven by five key hubs, namely the UK, USA, Italy, Japan and France. And while Malaysia is relatively new to the high fashion industry, it has great potential in being one of the country’s high- value export sectors with Malaysian fashion designers increasingly gaining international recognition. ‘Dressing the World in Style and Comfort.’ Although relatively young by global standards, Malaysia’s apparel and fashion industry has a reputation for reliability, trendiness and competitive pricing. Contact MATRADE to find out how you can dress your up your profits with Malaysian fashion designers, apparel and textile manufacturers.

Malaysia’s strength in the apparel industry dates back to the 1980s, when it established itself as a contract manufacturer of high-end global brands such as Marks & Spencer, Hills & Brooks, Guess, Tommy Hilfiger, Adidas, Nike, Oshkosh, Burberry, GAP, Ashworth, Polo Ralph Lauren and many others. There are garment making companies supplying to both the domestic and export markets. Malaysian companies utilise a wide range of textiles and materials from natural cotton and silk to synthetics such as polyester, spun fabrics and recyclable materials to produce designs that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing for an increasingly sophisticated market. Most of these fabrics are supplied by the local textile industry.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner


Malaysian franchises rank among the most popular consumer brands both locally and abroad and provide ample business opportunities through tested business operations. Get a great start in Malaysian franchises with MATRADE’s assistance. Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei, the Philippines, India, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Australia. This is a testament to the acceptance, resilience and competitiveness of Malaysia’s franchise brands in the international arena. ‘Malaysian franchises, your route to entrepreneurial success.’ The main countries Malaysia has exported its franchises to include Indonesia, China,

In the last decade Malaysia has achieved significant progress in the franchise industry. Since the early 90’s, Malaysia has witnessed a significant number of businesses that have gravitated to, and adopted the franchise system. Franchising has now developed into one of the fastest growing sectors in the country. Malaysian home-grown franchises represent more than 70% of the total number of franchise systems in the country while foreign franchises account for the balance. Malaysia has strength in various franchising sectors, ranging from food and beverage, the automotive- related sector including car sales, service centres, and tyre services, clothing and accessories, learning centres and nurseries, retailing and supermarket, healthcare and beauty care, IT and telecommunications, hotels and tourism agencies, printing, photo-shops and others.

Regulated by the Malaysian Franchise Act 1998, with a structured system that adheres to international standards, Malaysian franchising is well accepted and can be easily implemented overseas. In fact, many Malaysian corporations have used franchising as a mode for foreign market entry. Through Malaysian franchises abroad, more products and services from Malaysia are marketed internationally, contributing to the growth of exports for the nation. Malaysian franchise brands has successfully penetrated over 60 countries worldwide.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner


manufacturing foundation that evolved from being a provider of raw materials with an abundance of high quality wood supplies, availability of skilled workers, excellent design capabilities and good manufacturing practices.

Malaysia’s furniture industry underwent a dynamic transformation from traditional cottage operations to an export-oriented industry driven by design, innovation and technology. The industry keeps abreast with technical

advances and global changes in consumer tastes, and with nearly two and a half thousand furniture design and manufacturing companies, makes it one of Malaysia’s biggest revenue earners. This growth is due to a strong

In addition to using local plantation wood such as rubber wood for furniture production, Malaysian manufacturers also offer a rich variety of material options, including furniture from imported temperate and tropical woods, plastic, metal, leather, fabric, composites and a combination of mixed material furniture, producing designs that are both functional and appealing.

Malaysian furniture is recognised as being among the most innovative, trendy and durable in the world today and evidenced by its comfort and style. Let MATRADE find you a partner with Malaysia’s best furniture designers and manufacturers. ‘Manufacturing Comfortable and Creative Furniture for the World.’

Malaysia exports over 80% of its annual furniture production to more than 160 countries with main furniture exports including kitchen and bedroom furniture, upholstered furniture with wooden frame and office furniture. Garden or outdoor furniture from tropical hardwoods also see strong exports for the European market. Malaysian furniture has gained access to markets in the UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines and Russia with great potential in countries like Algeria, Greece, Puerto Rico and Libya.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Green Technology

Private investment supporting new and existing green businesses have also soared in recent years, especially in hot subsectors, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, buildings, transportation, water and waste management. A notable achievement has been the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) which developed, produced and patented a green technology for drying rubber wood using a high temperature drying system. This process excludes the need for chemicals used on rubber wood prior to drying, enhances its stability and reduces processing time by more than 75%. This technology turned out to be one of the best solutions for Malaysia’s furniture manufacturers and sawn timber industry to conform to the stringent regulations

Malaysia recognises the transformative power of green technology to change mindsets and alter the approach of industries, companies and societies for the greater good of the environment. These changes not only benefit the environment but also help create new opportunities for business. The Malaysian National Green Technology Policy provides direction and motivation for the growth of the green technology industry and to enhance its contribution to the national economy. Since then, policy incentives and a favourable enabling environment has stimulated a veritable green explosion, prompting some pundits to dub Malaysia, ‘the Green Beacon’.

and requirements for exporting borates- free and eco-friendly wood and wood products to developed country markets. Existing efforts to create awareness on ‘going green’ and to introduce Malaysian companies that produce green products or services to new markets have started to show positive results. Green products that have been exported overseas include photosensitive semiconductor devices, photovoltaic (PV) cells and light emitting diodes (LED). These products are highly valued and much sought after. Exports of green building materials from Malaysia have also increased in the past few years. These include insulation materials used to reduce heat transfer and energy consumption such as slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools.

‘Go Green for healthier business and global wellbeing.’ The Malaysian Government is intent on developing its Green Technology capabilities and output in keeping with the increasingly ecologically friendly demands of consumers.

MATRADE can connect you with the right ‘Green’ partner from Malaysia.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner


There are currently around 250 private hospitals in Malaysia. Among the reasons for foreign patients choosing Malaysia as a healthcare destination is the English speaking medical staff, favourable exchange rates, affordable hospitalisation cost, highly trained medical specialists, state-of-the-art medical technology, compliance to and accreditation by recognised international standards on quality and safety, and the friendly culture that Malaysia is known for. Malaysian healthcare companies also operate top class hospitals abroad, managing and operating facilities from Singapore to Turkey, and building on the highest levels of expertise and strategic cooperation in healthcare businesses.

The number of foreign health tourists arriving on Malaysia’s shores is testimony of the great confidence clients have in the quality of care they receive fromMalaysia’s dynamic healthcare sector. MATRADE can help you improve your business’ health with world class partners. ‘Grow your healthcare business opportunities with Malaysia.’ Malaysian companies are also much sought after in the international arena for their expertise in healthcare services including providing integrated facilities management, biomedical engineering maintenance services, cleaning services, linen and laundry services and clinical waste management services. Such services are rendered internationally, offering professional hospital support throughout the value chain.

The healthcare services industry in Malaysia is a thriving and growing sector which benefits both locals and foreigners alike. Malaysia’s vision for health is to create a seamless and integrated healthcare system that delivers quality care and is reliable, equitable and affordable for everyone. The healthcare industry encompasses hospital services and medical and dental services with its value chain of services sub-sector including the manufacture, provision and distribution of pharmaceutical products, medical equipment and devices, health insurance, research and development (R&D) and education and training. Malaysian healthcare service providers are capable of providing elective and curative procedures in a wide field of specialisation, including orthopaedics, obstetrics and gynaecology, ophthalmology, cardiothoracic surgery, cardiology, gastroenterology, oncology, pathology, hepatobiliary and in-vitro fertilisation.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner


Malaysia has successfully integrated itself into the Global Production Network (GPN) for ICT and is intent in developing digital security, data and consumer protection on the internet, up-scaling on the Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, cloud computing and software for vertical industries. These are some of the current focus of the ICT industry that will expand Malaysia’s exports of ICT products and services. Major exports of ICT services include electronic government solutions, electronic commerce solutions, software development and system integration for banking, finance, insurance, healthcare and education, ICT security solutions, Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), data centre management & hosting, cloud computing services, unique business solutions and scalable or customised software for Small and Medium Enterprises, web-hosting and web-related services.

The fast changing digital landscape offers tremendous opportunities for the ICT sector in Malaysia to move up the industry value chain. Malaysian start-ups are already invested in the commercialisation of ‘Smart City’ infrastructure, applications and services such as smart highways, intelligent traffic management systems and advanced ICT based management of energy for secure, efficient and eco-friendly power supply through the rationalisation of information flow among power generation plants and power grids. With vast opportunities spawning in the pervasive application of ICT, the Malaysian ICT industry is well-positioned to raise the global export of ICT services to the next level.

An important focus for Malaysia is to expand the export of digital content. It has developed a strong position for its local content and has produced export quality content worldwide. Malaysia has been accepted and has had many successful broadcasts of local animation films in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. Other Malaysian ICT corporations are also heavily involved in game art production, TV advertising, visual-effects for films and computer animation for several big names in the video game industry in the USA, Japan, Canada and France.

Malaysia’s industrial transformation has developed an ecosystem that optimises synergies between people and connected processes with the adoption of the latest technologies. Reach out to MATRADE, we can find you the right technology partners from Malaysia.

‘Get Connected with Malaysia’


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Islamic Banking

Malaysia has also placed strong emphasis on human capital development alongside the evolution of the Islamic financial industry to ensure the availability of Islamic finance talent. All of these value propositions have transformed Malaysia into one of the most developed Islamic banking markets in the world. Islamic Finance has provided both consumers and businesses with

Malaysia’s Islamic finance industry has been in existence for close to four decades. The enactment of the Islamic Banking Act 1983 enabled the country’s first Islamic Bank to be established and thereafter, with the liberalisation of the Islamic financial system, saw more Islamic financial institutions being established. Malaysia’s long track record of building a successful domestic Islamic financial industry gives the country a solid foundation, a financial bedrock of stability that adds to the richness, diversity and maturity of the financial system. There are now a number of local and foreign Islamic banks and Islamic subsidiary banks owned by conventional banks in Malaysia. All financial institutions are given permission to conduct both Ringgit and non-Ringgit businesses. Today, Malaysia’s Islamic finance continues to grow rapidly, supported by a conducive environment that is renowned for continuous product innovation, a diversity of financial institutions from across the world, a broad range of innovative Islamic investment instruments, a comprehensive financial infrastructure and adopting global regulatory and legal best practices.

Rapid liberalisation in the Islamic finance industry, coupled with a facilitative business environment has encouraged foreign financial institutions to make Malaysia their destination of choice to conduct Islamic banking. This has created a diverse and growing community of local and international financial institutions. ‘Islamic Finance, providing greater financial choices.’

alternatives to the way they choose to conduct their financial lives and operations.

Contact MATRADE for information and links to Malaysia’s Islamic Finance Sector.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

‘Big or Small, We can handle it All’ Located strategically in the heart of ASEAN, Malaysia is the preferred logistics gateway for air, land and sea transportation in the region.


Malaysia’s strategic geographical location along the Straits of Melaka, one of the busiest shipping routes in the world, coupled with world- class seaports, airports, road and rail networks, industrial parks and technology parks are all factors that has helped propel growth in the logistics industry and made Malaysia an important transhipment hub for Asia. Malaysia’s logistics industry is well-developed and has a complete chain of service providers including integrated logistics services and cold chain activities. Its integrated logistics services undertake warehousing, transportation, freight forwarding and other related value-added services such as distribution and supply chain management. Malaysia also offers international logistics services that provide integrated and seamless door-to-door services along the logistics value chain, proffering it as a single entity on both a regional and global scale.

The industry is a crucial contributor to Malaysia’s trade and economic growth. It is also a critical component in the support of cross-border trade and the advancement of exports. As such, the sector is well supported by the government’s continuous focus on logistic-related development. In Malaysia, the core drivers responsible for the tenacity and success of the logistics services industry are the clear capabilities of companies to be competitive by delivering the right products, in the right quantity, to the right place, at the right time and at the lowest cost possible. As the nation’s economy remains robust and its trade volumes grow, the logistics sector is expected to continue to expand. The demand outlook for Integrated Logistics Services (ILS) and Multimodal Transport is especially promising as the country capitalises on growing intra-regional and international trade. Malaysia’s strength in being one of the top trading nations in the world rests on its ability to offer comprehensive, reliable and cost competitive logistics services to manufacturers, exporters and importers, both domestic and foreign.

Reach out to MATRADE to move your business to greater heights.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner


The development of the machinery industry in Malaysia emerged primarily to serve the agro-based and tin mining sectors. It has since transformed from general fabrication and machining works to the assembly of higher-end machinery modules and components, including the manufacturing of heavy machinery. The industry now produces a wide variety of machinery and equipment for various uses, such as power generation, specific industry processing, metalworking and general industrial activities. It also supports a number of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which are capable of producing machinery and equipment for both domestic and export markets.

Malaysia’s export of machinery is generated from four major sub- sectors: Specialised process machinery or equipment for specific industries, Metalworking machinery, Power generating machinery and equipment and General industrial machinery & equipment, components and parts. This industry’s top export destinations include Singapore, the USA, Japan, Germany, the UK, Thailand, Hong Kong and China.

‘Manufacturing Quality Machines and Parts for the World’ Malaysia produces high quality machines and parts to meet the needs of the global manufacturing, agricultural and construction industries with the latest technologies, state of the art equipment and highly qualified and innovative manpower. MATRADE can link you up with Malaysia’s precision and robust machine makers.

Malaysia is also a well-known producer of hydraulic machines with press capacities ranging from 20 to 3,000 tonnes and exports to Japan, Saudi Arabia and ASEAN countries. The country is also the largest manufacturing hub for boilers in Southeast Asia and local producers have the capability to manufacture and supply high-grade and internationally accepted industrial boilers such as utility boilers, water tube boilers, fire tube boilers, package boilers and combination boilers. These are mainly exported to Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Cambodia. Malaysia also leads in the export of elevators and escalators. Exports are directed mainly to ASEAN countries, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, India, Bangladesh, Australia and Eastern Africa.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Oil and gas (O&G) production has been a mainstay of Malaysia’s growth since it was first drilled in 1910 in the state of Sarawak. The founding of PETRONAS, Malaysia’s national oil and gas company in 1974, provided vital impetus to the development of oil and gas resources in the country. Oil and Gas

Malaysia’s strength in this sector is internationally recognised from years of experience in providing oil and gas services domestically with a clear edge in the areas of; • Fabrication of all types of offshore and onshore structures and complexes. • Capacity and capability to complete the total value chain in oil and gas production from conceptual engineering, detailed design, procurement, fabrication, testing, pre-procurement, pre- commissioning, transportation, installation and commissioning. • Marine repair, marine conversion, engineering and construction. • Drilling fluids, drilling waste management and oilfield product distribution. Malaysia’s exports in the oil and gas services sector hinges largely on the provision of specialty services, which includes engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning & installation (EPCCI), fabrication of offshore oil and gas related structures, logistics including trans-shipment, floating storage, offshore marine vessels, environmental management, infrastructure development fittings and more. The nation has an excellent track record in the global O&G industry and has secured international projects in Qatar, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait, Iran, Vietnam, Columbia, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, South Africa and more.

Malaysia’s major exports of both upstream and downstream products include gaskets, anti-corrosion chemicals for pipe application, Christmas trees, well heads, generators, pipe lines and floating production storage & offloading vessels (FPSOs). ‘Fuel Your Business with Us’ Malaysia’s Oil & Gas Industry has flourished over the decades and is among the most dynamic industries within the Asia- Pacific region. Reach out to MATRADE to find out how Malaysia can fuel your business to greater heights.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Palm Oil and Palm Oil Products

‘The World’s Nutritional Source’

Among the healthiest of nutritional fats with broad applications and the most efficient oil-bearing crop in the world, palm oil remains an important component in many people’s diets and for manufacturers globally. Malaysia continues to ensure that its palm oil industry is sustainably and responsibly managed.

Malaysia is one of the largest palm oil producers and exporters in the world. What started as an import into British Malaya of oil palm trees fromWest Africa as ornamental plants in the 1870s is now a substantial contributor to its economy. Currently, Malaysia contributes over 28% of global palm oil production and about 30% of world exports of palm oil. Collectively, with all other fats and oils produced in Malaysia, the country accounts for almost 10 % and 20% of the world’s total production and exports of oils and fats respectively. Today, Malaysia produces about 20 million tonnes of palm oil and over 2 million tonnes of palm kernel oil. Malaysia is also a leading producer and exporter of palm olein and vegetable fat, producing stearin and olein fractions which are used in a variety of food.

Malaysia is already shifting the production mix of the palm oil industry to higher value-added products with greater investment in high-yielding downstream sectors. These include oleochemical derivatives, biofuels, biogas and biomass potential, improving food and health-based products, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products and the production of eco- friendly biofertilisers. Palm oil is one of the biggest drivers of the Malaysian economy and a major contributor to its GDP with major exports destined for China, the EU, India, South Korea, Pakistan, the USA, the Philippines, Vietnam, Turkey and Japan. Much of Malaysia’s palm oil exports conform to the production standards of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil or RSPO, the world’s first palm oil certification body for voluntary certification of sustainably produced palm oil and palm oil products.

Contact MATRADE to make sure you only engage with responsibly produced palm oil producers.


MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Plastics and Plastic Products

The Malaysian plastics industry is one of the most dynamic and well-established sectors instrumental in the development of the nation’s economy. Malaysia is one of ASEAN’s top exporters of plastic products as the ready availability of raw materials including plastic resins from downstream activities of Malaysia’s petrochemicals industry and strong government support have helped the industry thrive.

The country is a net exporter of manufactured plastics the form of plates, sheets, films and strips of plastics as well as plastic bags and containers. It is also an active exporter of plastic resins, plastic components as well as finished goods to ASEAN with other major export destinations including Europe and China. Initiatives to advance the plastics industry include increasing automation, enhancing operational efficiency and production processes, strengthening innovation and developing specialisation to deliver new and innovative products to a wider international market.

The sub-sector has diversified production into automotive components, electronics and electrical parts and accessories, components for the telecommunication industry, construction materials, medical components and industrial and consumer goods. Malaysia’s robust industrial framework also sustains the plastics industry and cumulative demand from its thriving electrical and electronics (E&E) industry, a strong automotive industry and a competent mould and die sector, all serve as a catalysts to nurture the plastics industry’s expansion.

Malaysia’s plastics manufacturers are mindful of the ecological and environmental impact they have on the earth and strive to minimise this with highly cost effective manufacturing methodologies and innovative products. Contact MATRADE today to connect with your ideal plastics supplier.

‘Perfecting Plastics Production for the World.’


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