Malaysia Your Business Partner (MYBP)
MALAYSIA Your Business Partner
As one of the world’s leading producer of palm oil, Malaysia has abundant feedstocks of oil palm by-products and waste. This provides Malaysia an excellent position to advance biofuels and biomass production. It is also exploring the field of biocatalysts, fine chemical production, bioremediation and biopolymer production. The BioNexus initiative established a network of centres of excellence throughout the country in areas of Agro-biotechnology, Genomic & Molecular Biology and Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals. Biotechnology corporations domiciled in Malaysia are leveraging on their technological capabilities and strategic partnerships to attain increased global sales and profitability.
Malaysia’s National Biotechnology Policy (NBP) launched in 2005 made it one of the first nations in the Asia Pacific Region and the first in Southeast Asia to have a fully documented bioeconomy agenda. The Bioeconomy Transformation Programme (BTP) in 2013 expanded on the NBP by providing the private sector with a firm platform to
Biotechnology is one of Malaysia’s new engines of growth and a key sector that will support the expansion of the Malaysian economy. Growth in biotechnology will leverage heavily on the strength of the country’s diverse natural resources and skilled human capital. The foray into biotechnology is a natural progression for Malaysia as the country is naturally well-endowed. Malaysia is among the world’s most megadiverse countries according to the National Biodiversity Index. Resources and Benefit Sharing Act 2017 will also ensure that Malaysians benefit from any products of value that are developed from the nations natural resources. maximise commercial opportunities in the biotechnology fields of industrial, healthcare and agriculture biotechnology. The Access to Biological
‘Harnessing the strengths of nature and technology for good.’
Malaysia sees its wealth of natural resources as a bounty to be conservatively harnessed for the greater good of its national development and the global community .
Find out more from MATRADE about the abundant opportunities in Malaysia’s biotechnology sector.
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