Malaysia Your Business Partner (MYBP)
MALAYSIA Your Business Partner
Electrical and Electronics (E&E)
The electrical sector makes up one of the top sub-sectors of the industry and had its beginnings in the establishment of manufacturing plants to facilitate the import substitution of household appliances, electrical fittings, wires & cables and automotive batteries.
Electrical & Electronics (E&E) is the leading manufacturing industry in Malaysia. E&E products have been Malaysia’s largest trading items for several decades since the industry’s inception in the 1960s. Its evolution to the present time has made Malaysia a leading player in the global E&E value chain. Growing from just four companies with a total of 577 employees in 1970, the E&E industry has expanded to a workforce of more than 600,000 today and close to two thousand companies. This huge manpower enables the industry to churn out approximately half of Malaysia’s total exports with major destinations being China, the USA, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan.
The industry has since developed capabilities to supply high-end electrical products including electrical components to both domestic and international markets. The electronics sub-sector leads the E&E industry, with a substantial amount of all electronic exports being contributed by semiconductor devices, integrated circuits (ICs) and transistors and valves and the Multinational Corporations (MNCs) continuing to push the development of this sector. Malaysian companies which initially started as support vendors to MNCs, have developed significant capabilities and skills in manufacturing a wide range of electronic products across all significant sub-sectors such as electronic components and parts and industrial as well as consumer electronics.
These Malaysian companies with substantial experience are now capable exporters in their own right. Their areas of specialisation involve electronic manufacturing services, wafer fabrication, IC designs, assembly, packaging & testing, parts & components for electrical products, power and energy generation, solar solutions, LED lighting solutions, consumer electrical items and IT parts & accessories. Malaysian exporters are keen and open to working with any interested business partner to embark on high- impact joint venture projects for new product development, innovation, R&D and other services within the E&E value chain. ‘Powering Up Your Profits’ With a strong ecosystem supported by skilled Malaysian SMEs and global multinational companies, rest assured that Malaysian suppliers can meet your industrial and consumer E&E demands. Reach out to MATRADE, we can find you the right partners from Malaysia.
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