Malaysia Your Business Partner (MYBP)

MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Green Technology

Private investment supporting new and existing green businesses have also soared in recent years, especially in hot subsectors, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, buildings, transportation, water and waste management. A notable achievement has been the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) which developed, produced and patented a green technology for drying rubber wood using a high temperature drying system. This process excludes the need for chemicals used on rubber wood prior to drying, enhances its stability and reduces processing time by more than 75%. This technology turned out to be one of the best solutions for Malaysia’s furniture manufacturers and sawn timber industry to conform to the stringent regulations

Malaysia recognises the transformative power of green technology to change mindsets and alter the approach of industries, companies and societies for the greater good of the environment. These changes not only benefit the environment but also help create new opportunities for business. The Malaysian National Green Technology Policy provides direction and motivation for the growth of the green technology industry and to enhance its contribution to the national economy. Since then, policy incentives and a favourable enabling environment has stimulated a veritable green explosion, prompting some pundits to dub Malaysia, ‘the Green Beacon’.

and requirements for exporting borates- free and eco-friendly wood and wood products to developed country markets. Existing efforts to create awareness on ‘going green’ and to introduce Malaysian companies that produce green products or services to new markets have started to show positive results. Green products that have been exported overseas include photosensitive semiconductor devices, photovoltaic (PV) cells and light emitting diodes (LED). These products are highly valued and much sought after. Exports of green building materials from Malaysia have also increased in the past few years. These include insulation materials used to reduce heat transfer and energy consumption such as slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools.

‘Go Green for healthier business and global wellbeing.’ The Malaysian Government is intent on developing its Green Technology capabilities and output in keeping with the increasingly ecologically friendly demands of consumers.

MATRADE can connect you with the right ‘Green’ partner from Malaysia.


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