Malaysia Your Business Partner (MYBP)

MALAYSIA Your Business Partner


Malaysia has successfully integrated itself into the Global Production Network (GPN) for ICT and is intent in developing digital security, data and consumer protection on the internet, up-scaling on the Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, cloud computing and software for vertical industries. These are some of the current focus of the ICT industry that will expand Malaysia’s exports of ICT products and services. Major exports of ICT services include electronic government solutions, electronic commerce solutions, software development and system integration for banking, finance, insurance, healthcare and education, ICT security solutions, Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), data centre management & hosting, cloud computing services, unique business solutions and scalable or customised software for Small and Medium Enterprises, web-hosting and web-related services.

The fast changing digital landscape offers tremendous opportunities for the ICT sector in Malaysia to move up the industry value chain. Malaysian start-ups are already invested in the commercialisation of ‘Smart City’ infrastructure, applications and services such as smart highways, intelligent traffic management systems and advanced ICT based management of energy for secure, efficient and eco-friendly power supply through the rationalisation of information flow among power generation plants and power grids. With vast opportunities spawning in the pervasive application of ICT, the Malaysian ICT industry is well-positioned to raise the global export of ICT services to the next level.

An important focus for Malaysia is to expand the export of digital content. It has developed a strong position for its local content and has produced export quality content worldwide. Malaysia has been accepted and has had many successful broadcasts of local animation films in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. Other Malaysian ICT corporations are also heavily involved in game art production, TV advertising, visual-effects for films and computer animation for several big names in the video game industry in the USA, Japan, Canada and France.

Malaysia’s industrial transformation has developed an ecosystem that optimises synergies between people and connected processes with the adoption of the latest technologies. Reach out to MATRADE, we can find you the right technology partners from Malaysia.

‘Get Connected with Malaysia’


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