Malaysia Your Business Partner (MYBP)
MALAYSIA Your Business Partner
Professional Services
The Malaysian professional services industry is an important sector that helps to improve productivity and growth across the economy. The development of the sector is guided by the Services Sector Blueprint, launched in 2015. The professional services industry in Malaysia includes a range of different occupations that provide support to businesses of all sizes across sectors. Unlike manufacturing, professional services like other service industries sell knowledge and expertise, not physical or tangible products. People working in professional services provide specialist advice to their clients. Examples of such professional services include providing tax advice, supporting a company with accounting or providing management and business consultancy. Many professional services are affiliated to professional bodies and require professional licenses. These include architects, auditors, engineers, doctors and lawyers. Other professional services providers in Malaysia include: • Land Surveyors and Quantity Surveyors • Property Valuers and Estate Agents • Architects including Landscape Architects • Interior Designers • Town Planners • Building Contractors • Project Management Consultancy • ICT Services • Oil & Gas Consultants • Tax Consultants • Accountants • Healthcare Professionals and Dentists • Pharmacists, etc
Professional services make up a sizeable share of Malaysia’s services sector and the transformation of the services sector is expected to increase the share of services exports. ‘Professional business management is the key to your success.’
Malaysia’s professional services providers are equipped with a diverse range of global qualifications and accreditations, ensuring that businesses have access to a broad range of expertise and knowledge to suit their needs. Let MATRADE link you with your ideal professional services partner.
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