Malaysia Your Business Partner (MYBP)

MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

Wood Products

The wood-based product industry is one of Malaysia’s earliest manufacturing sectors and remains a leading industry contributing to the growth of its economy. The Government’s National Timber Industry Policy (NATIP) seeks to inculcate innovation and technology, marketing and promotions and the development of human capital with greater focus on the design, development and production of wooden furniture, engineered wood products, the utilisation and incorporation of agricultural by-products and waste into new products.

Malaysian companies in this highly successful industry now focus on better design and finishing, producing manufactured items that incorporate new composite as well as eco-friendly and sustainable materials for an increasingly sophisticated market. Engineered wood products, biocomposites and biomass materials offer vast potential for development with extensive investment in R&D to ensure reliability and durability of these new materials. ‘Malaysia’s Eco-Friendly Contribution to The Global Economy.’ Malaysia’s wood products industry is taking great steps to maximise the use of its wood resources with the downstream engineering of wood based products and composite materials. Contact MATRADE to be linked with reliable wood product suppliers and manufacturers.

The three major sub-sectors of wood- based products are Sawn timber, Plywood and veneer, and Panel products including particleboard, chipboard and fibreboard, mouldings, builder’s joinery and carpentry. All three sub-sectors are well established with international certification and standards. Malaysia leads in all three sub-sectors and is one of the world’s main exporter of tropical plywood and medium density fibreboard (MDF). Within the industry, a large number of wood-based product manufacturers are export-oriented consisting of wooden furniture, veneer, plywood and particleboard and builder’s joinery and carpentry such as architectural mouldings, doors and windows and wooden flooring. These are mainly exported to the USA, EU, Japan and Australia.


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