Malaysia Your Business Partner (MYBP)

MALAYSIA Your Business Partner

to Global Standards, Certification, Inspection & Testing

Malaysia has implemented numerous procedures and policies to assist local manufacturers, producers, service providers and exporters to conform to global market requirements, standards, accreditations and certifications. The National Standards and Accreditation body for Malaysia is the Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia) which provides confidence to various stakeholders through credible standardisation and accreditation services for global competitiveness. Standards Malaysia is a signatory to the regional and international Mutual Recognition Arrangements and Multi-Lateral Recognition Agreements, and enhances Malaysia’s competitive edge by facilitating trade through international recognition of Malaysian products and services with MS (Malaysian Standards) and accreditation. The Malaysian government’s MyHijau Programme is the official green recognition scheme and brings together certified products and services that meet local and international environmental standards under one single mark. SIRIM QAS International is Malaysia’s leading and preferred certification, inspection and testing body serving the needs of thousands of local and international clients and various industries. Equipped with the most comprehensive testing facilities in the region and with highly experienced and competent testing personnel, SIRIM QAS International is recognised globally by Standards Malaysia, UKAS, IATF, RSPO and UN-FCC among many others as an accepted certification provider.


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