Malaysia Your Business Partner (MYBP)
MALAYSIA Your Business Partner
Auto Parts and Accessories
The Malaysian auto parts, components and accessories industry has grown from strength to strength. Many companies now undertake their own research and development work, design, incorporation of innovative ideas and concepts as well as drawing up of new technical specifications for various components required by automotive manufacturers and assemblers. Vendors are able to offer cost competitive solutions to automotive manufacturers and assemblers, meeting the needs for viable alternatives of imported parts and components requirements. This also includes testing and calibration services on products manufactured within their own facilities to ensure strict compliance to specifications, and providing warranties on the parts and components produced.
Today, close to one thousand manufacturers produce and export a wide range of components for both the OEM markets and replacement parts for the after-market sectors, such as body panels, brake parts, engine parts, transmission and steering parts, rubber parts, and electrical and electronic parts.
‘Malaysia Keeps The Automotive Industry Moving’ Malaysia’s automotive parts and accessories sector is focused on the manufacture and creation of high quality, cost effective and reliable products. Contact MATRADE to find out how your automotive business can benefit from working with Malaysian automotive parts and accessories suppliers and manufacturers.
Most companies are locally owned with a growing number identified as tier one suppliers and integrators involved throughout the entire value chain including conceptualisation, designing, developing, sourcing of parts and components, manufacturing and final testing of products. In addition to supplying to the local original equipment market (OEM), an increasing number of component manufacturers are already exporting their products and have successfully penetrated over 150 countries worldwide and are especially active in ASEAN countries and China.
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